
IEEE India Council Chair-Elect 2021

IEEE India Council Nomination Committee 2020 consisting of the following members

1. Sri Sivaji Chakravorti, Chair (from Kolkata Section)

2. Sri S.M. Sameer, Member (from Kerala Section)

3. Sri J Ramkumar, Member (from Uttar Pradesh Section)

has evaluated all the received nominations from the eligible sections and unanimously recommended …

2020 IEEE India Council Awards

The India Council Awards are administered by IC Awards Committee.  

In order to recognise the dedicated efforts of IEEE Volunteers IEEE India Council will give the following awards: 

Outstanding Volunteer Award IEEE Volunteer (Age greater than 35)  IEEE Volunteer (Age equal to and below than 35)Outstanding Student  Outstanding WIE Student  Outstanding …

Expression of Interest to Host Conference for the year 2020

Dear Members
IEEE India Council invites interested Institutions/Colleges/Universities along with parent IEEE Subsections to bid for the rights to host the IEEE India Council’s newly conceived flagship technical conference: IEEE IC-Subsections Conference  for the year 2020.
IEEE IC-Subsections Conference is conceived to provide an opportunity to various Institutions/Colleges/Universities along with parent IEEE Subsection to …

Thank you!! Message from outgoing IC Office Bearers

Dear IEEE Member,
At the outset, all three of us wish to express our sincere thanks to the entire IEEE fraternity in India to give us a chance to work for the cause of IEEE during 2017-2018. It was a great honor bestowed on us and …

India Council Awards 2018

To recognize the contribution of volunteers and student branches towards progress of IEEE,  India Council constituted following awards:

1. IEEE India Council Outstanding Student Branch Award
2. IEEE India Council Outstanding Volunteer Award

India Council is happy to announce winners of IC Awards 2018 as follows. 

1. IEEE India …

IEEE IC Slate 2019 –

Recommendation of IEEE IC Nomination Committee for IEEE India Council Chair-Elect 2019

Dear All,

IEEE India Council Nomination Committee 2018 consisting of the following members
1. Sri Deepak Mathur, Chair
2. Sri Debatosh Guha, Member
3. Sri J Ramkumar, Member
has evaluated all the received nominations and recommended the following slate …