Expression of Interest to Host Conference for the year 2020
Dear Members
IEEE India Council invites interested Institutions/Colleges/Universities along with parent IEEE Subsections to bid for the rights to host the IEEE India Council’s newly conceived flagship technical conference: IEEE IC-Subsections Conference for the year 2020.
IEEE IC-Subsections Conference is conceived to provide an opportunity to various Institutions/Colleges/Universities along with parent IEEE Subsection to host, manage and organize a International level technical conference under the supervision of IEEE India Council. Scope of this conference will be similar to INDICON (hosted by various Sections of India on rotation basis).
The 2/3 day conference will be organized for the first time in the second quarter of the year 2020(preferably in June). The exact dates will be decided based on the venue, location and host institution proposal.
We strongly request you to discuss with your Institution/College/University administration and parent Subsection regarding the hosting of the India Council conference in your Institution/College/University and complete the application form at :
The completed form are to be submitted latest by 20 November 2019.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and participation. Feel free to contact Mr. Puneet Kumar Mishra ([email protected]) or Prof. S N Singh ([email protected]) should you have any queries.
With Regards
Puneet Kumar Mishra
Secretary, IEEE India Council