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Message from Chair, IEEE India Council
IEEE India Council (IC) is intended to act as a consortium of the Sections to do those delegated tasks that can be best done together by the Sections. In India, we have 13 IEEE sections with around 76000 of IEEE members and this is the largest among Asia Pacific countries.…. read more
Dr. Debabrata Das
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IEEE INDIA COUNCIL Young Professionals is a community of enthusiastic, dynamic, and innovative members and volunteers across INDIA.
The mission and vision of IEEE Region 10 WIE is to inspire, engage, encourage, and empower IEEE women so as to form a vibrant community of IEEE women and men innovating the world of tomorrow.
IEEE INDIA COUNCIL SAC is a community of enthusiastic, dynamic, and innovative members and volunteers across INDIA.
IEEE INDIA Educational Activities The EAB recommends policies on educational matters and implements programs specifically intended to serve the educational pursuits of IEEE members, the engineering and scientific communities, and the general public.
To promote both professional and student membership growths in INDIA and the Institute as a whole and to encourage all members to seek the highest membership grade for which they qualify. To monitor membership status and to conceive, develop, and implement membership growth programs.
IEEE Board identified Industry Relations as a major focus Area. To execute the same IEEE INDIA Industrial Relations committee is striving hard to incorporate industry members and cross pollinate industry activities between different sections from INDIA COUNCIL.
IEEE, world’s largest professional organisation, works for advancing Technology for Humanity. It operates in 10 regions across the globe and IEEE India Council (IC) comes under Asia Pacific Region 10. IEEE IC acts as a consortium of 12 Sections in India which collectively have around 50000 members and this is the largest count among Asia Pacific countries. Read more
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