IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE Members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE field of Interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation. The total number selected in any one year does not exceed one-tenth of one percent (i.e. 0.01%) of the total voting institute membership.
On this celebrated occasion of “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav”, IEEE India Council (IC) has planned to create a consolidated IEEE IC Fellow directory, a ready reckoner under the Professional Activities Committee (PACE) of IC. This shall also be accessible to members as well as public through our IC Website. Through this initiative, we plan to make members aware of the outstanding technical contributions made by IEEE Fellows/Life Fellowes from India. This directory includes the IEEE Fellow Citation, brief bio and their technical contributions.
This Directory is regularly updated as and when we receive more information from remaining IEEE Fellows. We request IEEE Fellows who are not listed in this directory to kindly contact us, so that we can include their details too, which will help other members.
We are very sure this directory will help the Senior Members who plan for their elevation to Fellow grades. In addition to this, IC-PACE has also planned for Panel Discussions, TED Talks and Fireside chats with the listed IEEE Fellows. We hope this initiative will stimulate other IEEE Members to contribute towards the growth of the Nation such that India takes a leading position in technological advancement and Innovation by the time we celebrate “100 years of the Independence”.
With Warm Regards
Dr. K. R. Suresh Nair
Chair, IEEE India Council
Mr. Puneet Kumar Mishra
Vice Chair (PA), IEEE India Council
IEEE, world’s largest professional organisation, works for advancing Technology for Humanity. It operates in 10 regions across the globe and IEEE India Council (IC) comes under Asia Pacific Region 10. IEEE IC acts as a consortium of 12 Sections in India which collectively have around 50000 members and this is the largest count among Asia Pacific countries. Read more
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