R10 Student Activities Committee (SAC) invites Sections/Council to submit proposals to organize Technology Awareness Programme (TAP) in their respective Section/Council.
The details of the scope of the call for proposals are in the attached file.
Scope of proposals
The main objective of the proposal is to allow Student members, industry professionals and young professionals to solicit, refine and disseminate quality technical information. This will help to develop a volunteer – led environment where technical thought leaders converge and create communities for people working in the fields.
This project should provide opportunity for Student members, industry professionals and young professionals to become future leaders, increase IEEE membership and shall help student member retention. The focus areas (not limited to) like technologies related to Communication, Energy, Automation, Cyber security, AR & VR, Block chain, AI & machine Learning etc. are preferred to be focused.
Proposal Conditions
·         Maximum of 10 proposals will be selected.
·         Sections/Councils are encouraged to coordinate with Student Branches within the Section and Region 10 SAC to comprehensively and strategically organize the programme successfully.
·         The proposal should include brief details about the various sessions. One session must be conducted by a speaker from Industry and one session from a YP.
·         The organizing committee should include at least one Young Professional and one industry representative.
·         The proposal should briefly answer the following:
a)      Explain the significance of the project and theme to the surrounding community.
b)      Who all will be the stakeholders of the project?
c)      What will be the benefits for the stakeholders of the project?
d)      Briefly describe the expected outcomes of the project.
e)      Specify the timeline of the project with brief description of each stage (if necessary).
·         Key Metrics:
a.      Number of students and YPs participation
b.      Number of participants
c.       Number of Student Branches, chapters covered 
d.      Success stories after the programme in form of apps/github projects/Hardware projects/ Industry collaboration etc.
·         Policy of Matching Fund
o    Large Sections must cover at least 50% of the project cost.
o    Medium Sections must cover at least 25% of the project cost.
o    Funding for Small Sections will be taken care of entirely by Region 10.
o    Maximum up to USD 800. ( subject to 50% / 75% / 100% of total operational cost )
·         Please quote the budget in US Dollars only. (Do not use local currency)
·         ACTYIVITY REPORTS along with a FEEDBACK REPORT from the participants and expense reports of the meet should be submitted within 2 weeks after the completion of the project.
·         The report regarding the meet must be also published in the R10 Newsletter.
–          Deadline for submission of proposals:      March 31, 2017
–          Announcement of selected proposals:     April 10, 2017
–          Meet organization:                                       April – September 25, 2017
–          Conclusion of project:                                  Oct 15, 2017
Proposal Submissions
Proposal must be endorsed and submitted by Section Chair.
Do not forget to attach the budget spreadsheet along with the proposal.
Name the file in the format TAP_Proposal_<Section/Council Name>_<Project Name>.
Save the file in PDF format and mail it to [email protected] with subject TAP Proposal from <Section/Council Name>
Project Coordinators
Gitansh Anand
Chowdhury Akram Hossain