[R10] Educational Activities Challenge (R10 EAC)
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2018
Notification of Decision: May 15, 2018
R10 Educational Activities (EA) invites members to submit ideas for an educational program which focused on Pre-University Education and University Education.
To discover creative programs which provide values to IEEE members and aligns with MGA goals.
Evaluation criteria:
· The educational outcomes of the idea;
· Alignment with MGA goals;
· Scalability and sustainability of the idea;
The winning entries will receive the following prizes to be used as seed funding for piloting the program:
An educational program in Pre-University Education;
v Winner – USD 500
v Runner-up – USD 300
An educational program University Education;
v Winner – USD 500
v Runner-up – USD 300
Terms and Conditions
1. The project must begin in 2018 and should be within the scope.
2. The proposal shall contain the following information:
· Executive summary of the program (maximum 300 words)
· Introduction
· Scalability and sustainability of the program
· How does the program align with some of MGA goals, if not all
· Educational outcomes of the program;
· Impact of the program to the participants;
3. Submissions:
a. Maximum of four pages
b. Font: Times New Roman, size 11
4. Proposal must be endorsed by Section Educational Activities (EA) Chair. In case there is no EA Chair in the Section, R10 EA strongly encourages Section to set up this position.
All proposals should be sent to [email protected]
Best Regards,
Zuhaina Zakaria, PhD, CEng MIET, SMIEEE
IEEE Region 10 Educational Activities Coordinator