[R10] Awards & Recognitions Call for Nominations – Rules and Guidelines
Please be informed that the IEEE R10 Awards and Recognition (AR) Call for Nominations is now going on.
The Specific R10 Awards and Recognition categories are shown below.
· R10 Distinguished Large, Medium and Small Sections Awards of the Year – to recognize the excellent work of the Section in the prior year.
· R10 Outstanding Volunteer Award of the Year – to recognize the excellent work and contribution of outstanding volunteer to the Section.
· R10 Outstanding Individual Award for Humanitarian Technology Activities – to inspire scientists and engineers to become socially responsible and be engaged indeveloping technological solutions to improve living conditions and livelihood of people thus making a difference in peoples’ lives in a cost effective and sustainablemanner.
· R10 Outstanding Section Award for Humanitarian Technology Activities – to recognize the Sections who have done outstanding work in identifying social issues andmade efforts to solve those issues through the use of technology or any other means.
· R10 WIE Student/Professional Volunteer Award – to recognize individuals who have exhibited exemplary and substantive leadership of an extraordinary nature in implementing activities which support the visions of IEEE WIE and R10 WIE, at the local, regional, national, and/or international level.
· R10 WIE Section/Student Branch Affinity Group of the Year Award – to recognize distinguished WIE Section Affinity Group and WIE Student Branch AffinityGroup respectively in R10.
· R10 Best Young Professionals Volunteer Award – to recognize the efforts and achievements of those individuals who have made substantial contribution to IEEE andYoung Professionals Affinity Groups. The award is conferred upon three young professionals; one from academia, one from industry and one entrepreneur.
· R10 Best Young Professionals Affinity Group Awards – to help Young Professionals AGs in its membership development by member’s satisfaction. The award will be conferred for two best Affinity groups who have done quality activities and had secured high member increase and retention.
· R10 SAC Volunteer Award – to recognize a member, including Student Branch Counselor & Section SAC Chair, who has been organizing activities and providing impetus to growth of student involvement for IEEE activities and events. These awards will help improve student member retention, recruiting new members and reporting from Student Branches & Sections.
· R10 SAC Student Volunteer Award – to recognize the importance of student volunteers and has established the Student Volunteer Award for these student members who have been outstanding student representatives in their Section with demonstrated leadership skills.
· R10 SAC Student Branch Award – to recognize a student branch that has maintained membership, provided student members with opportunities to volunteer, and helped in promotion of IEEE and its mission. IEEE R10 recognizes the role of Student Branch in representing and fulfilling the needs of the members and the missions of R10 and IEEE. This award will help improve the membership, membership satisfaction and retention.
· Region 10 Educational Activities Group Award – to recognize Section/Student Branch/Affinity Group who have exhibited exemplary and substantive leadership of an extraordinary nature in implementing activities in the scope of EA, as stated above, at the local, regional, national, and/or international level.
· Region 10 Educational Activities Volunteer Award – to recognize individuals who have exhibited exemplary and substantive leadership of an extraordinary nature in implementing activities in the scope of EA, as stated above, at the local, regional, national, and/or international level.
For the detail information pertaining to the AR Nomination Rules and Guidelines please refer to the attached file.
Thank you so much for your attention and cooperation.
Best regards,
Elmer P. Dadios, PhD
Professor and University Fellow
De La Salle University, Philippines
IEEE R10 Awards & Recognition Committee Chair