The IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee supports the IEEE Board of Directors’ Vision of IEEE Volunteer “feet-on-the-ground” activities.


HAC supports Sustainable Development & Humanitarian Technology related IEEE volunteer activities by


·         Providing educational, mentoring and networking support

·         Promoting and supporting collaboration by IEEE and non-IEEE volunteers through IEEE SIGHT (Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology) Program

·         Building strategic partnerships with other relevant stakeholders

·         Providing assistance to volunteers who support local teams undertaking “feet-on-the ground” community-based activities

·         Providing financial support to relevant projects and events


IEEE HAC provides funding towards volunteer projects with communities, funding towards events showcasing sustainable development and humanitarian technology activities within existing events and funding for SIGHTs.


Upcoming deadlines:

IEEE HAC Projects and IEEE SIGHT Projects – 31 March, 30 June, 01 September

IEEE HAC Events – 15 May, 15 July, 15 September (subject to remaining funds)

Click here for more information.