Call for Proposals – IEEE R10 HTC
04 April, 2017
Humanitarian Technology Project/Activities for IEEE R10 SectionsHumanitarian Technology Committee encourage you to have Humanitarian Technology activities in your section and invite you to apply for funding through an on-line application, which can be accessed through the following link.Link to the form : and Conditions1. Funding for a particular section is limited to a maximum of US$250, the remaining fund if required can be availed from IEEE Organizational Unit (OU). Since funding is limited, a selection panel will review all proposals and select few based on the quality of your proposal.2. Mandatory requirement: Policy of Section matching fund:For Large Section, R10 will cover up to 50% of the total expenses
For Medium Section, R10 will cover up to 75% of the total expenses
For Small Section, and R10 will cover 100% of the total expenses3. Topics:· Community Engagement Workshop with at-least 60% attendance from community people in the event.· SIGHT Summit(s)· Workshops/Technical Sessions on topics such as Social Entrepreneurship, Social Innovation, Humanitarian Technology, Disaster Management Technologies etc.· Student contests such as Solar Lamp design contest, green energy project exhibition etc.· Educational Workshop for local farmers, fishermen or community people etc.· Basic Health related projects for underserved communities· Other than mentioned above, must be prior approval from HTA Committee.4. Grant amount should be expensed upon· Project/Activity Material Costs· Event space/hall/location rental charges5. Recipient of support fund should submit activity reports and expense reports within 1 month after completion of the project(s).6. The selected project/activity shall be submitted detailed report to R10 Newsletter.7. Timeline· Call for Proposals Initiated: 17th April 2017· Deadline for Proposals: 26th May 2017· Selected Project Announced: 6th June 2017· Project Implementation Phase: 8th June 2017 to 27th October 2017· Amounts Reimbursed: By 30 November 20178. ContactParkash LohanaR10 Humanitarian Technology Activities Coordinator