Message from IC Chair

It is an honor and privilege to serve as the Chair of the IEEE India Council. I am deeply thankful to each one of you for entrusting me with this responsibility to lead this esteemed community of innovators, educators, and professionals who are dedicated to advancing technology for humanity. Your trust inspires me to work tirelessly toward advancing our shared vision of technological excellence and community building under IEEE India Council Umbrella. It is intended to act as a consortium of the Sections and have the right to direct the operation of the Council. It is formed by the Sections to do only those delegated tasks that can be best done together by the Sections rather than singly by each Section.

As we embark on this journey together, my focus will be on delivering value to each member of our council. I am delighted to announce three exciting initiatives that we are launching this year to further enrich our activities and impact: IEEE Ethics Committee: This committee will uphold the highest standards of professional integrity and ethical practices within our community, fostering a culture of accountability and transparency. IEEE History Committee: Dedicated to preserving and celebrating the legacy of IEEE in India, this committee will document the milestones and contributions that have shaped our journey over the years. IEEE Entrepreneurial Activities Committee: With a focus on nurturing innovation and startup culture, this initiative will empower budding entrepreneurs with resources, mentorship, and opportunities to bring their ideas to life.

To ensure the success of these initiatives, I am proud to announce the assignment of five experienced and dynamic members to each committee. These leaders bring unparalleled expertise and enthusiasm to their roles, and I am confident their efforts will yield remarkable outcomes.

We aim to ensure that every member fully understands and benefits from the myriad opportunities that IEEE offers, including access to cutting-edge resources, professional development programs, and elevation to higher membership grades. These benefits not only enhance individual growth but also strengthen our collective impact on society.

A key priority for this year will be to bridge the gaps between academia and industry. By fostering meaningful collaborations, we can create opportunities for research, innovation, and knowledge sharing that address real-world challenges. Our efforts will include organizing joint initiatives, such as technical conferences, industry workshops, and professional networking events, that bring together academic leaders, researchers, and industry experts.

In addition, we will emphasize the organization of impactful technical and professional activities that inspire and engage our members. From workshops and seminars to hackathons and mentorship programs, we will provide platforms for members to learn, innovate, and contribute to the global technology ecosystem.

Each member of the IC Executive Committee has been entrusted with specific responsibilities to ensure effective execution of our plans. I encourage all Section leaders, volunteers, and members to actively collaborate with the IC team. Your ideas, energy, and participation are the driving force behind our collective success.

Thank you for your dedication and support. Together, let us make this year a remarkable one for the IEEE India Council.

Warm regards,

Prof. Prerna Gaur

Chair, IEEE India Council

Director, West Campus, NSUT

Greetings from IEEE India Council!

IEEE India Council (IC) is intended to act as a consortium of the Sections to do those delegated tasks that can be best done together by the Sections. In India, we have 13 IEEE sections with around 76000 of IEEE members and this is the largest among AsiaPacific countries.

I am grateful to the committee and each IEEE volunteers for entrusting me with this Volunteering Position as Chair of IEEE India Council. With the support, co-operation and guidance of all the Sections’ Chair and IC Executive Committee members, we can plan and execute many innovative programs according to the vision of IEEE, which will benefit the IEEE members and eco-system.

I strongly feel, Indian engineers, scientists, faculty and students by large numbers will leap to next height in near future from world class research and innovation to translatable-research for commercialization with sustainability. In this regard, IC as a team will work for new vision 2023 for above required capacity building by multipronged approach. We have some definite progressive plans to take IEEE India Council to a greater heights in terms of student activities, quality conferences and workshops, startup initiatives, membership development, representation of IEEE IC in government technical committees, humanitarian activities and technology support to disaster management, raising standard of experiential learning, more roles for women in Engineering, member benefits, etc.

The Vice Chairs of India Council Executive Committee are entrusted with focused voluntary roles and responsibilities and they are the experts in the respective areas to better execute the plans. All the Sections and Sub-Sections Chairs and team are always welcome to work with Vice Chairs and IC team for IEEE vision and programs.

I seek your active involvement, support and co-operation in all our initiatives.

Warm Regards,
Debabrata Das,
Chair, IEEE India Council 2023

Wish you a very happy New Year!

IEEE India Council  is intended to act as a consortium of the Sections to do those delegated tasks that can be best done together by the Sections. In India, we have 12 IEEE sections with around 42000 members and this is the largest among Asia Pacific countries.

Thank you very much for entrusting me with this Volunteering Position as Chair of IEEE India Council, which also demands more effort and time on this. With the support, co-operation and guidance of all the Section Chair and Executive Committee members, we can plan and execute very many innovative programs, which will not only benefit the IEEE members, but also the society.

I strongly believe, Innovation and technology can bring in social impact and as an Engineer/Scientist or Technologist, each one of us has a part to play in this. In this connection, we have come up an approach document namely Vision 2021. We have some definite progressive plans to take IEEE India Council to greater heights in terms of membership development, representation of IEEE IC in government technical committees, humanitarian activities and technology support to disaster management, startup initiatives, raising standard of education, more roles for women in Engineering, member benefits, etc.

The Young Professionals and Students are integral part of IEEE IC fraternity, and India Council will strive towards adopting programs to bring in more benefits to them. All these can only be achieved if we all work together and united towards the common goal.

The Vice Chairs of India Council Executive Committee are entrusted with focused voluntary roles and responsibilities and they are the experts in the respective areas to better execute the plans.

Please do keep in touch, and I seek your active involvement, support and co-operation in all our initiatives.

Best Regards,

Dr.K.R.Suresh Nair

First of all, I would like to thank all the IEEE India members for having trust in me to serve as IEEE IC Chair for 2020 also. During 2019, the co-operations received from all the ExCom members are highly appreciated. Their support and cooperation made the IEEE India Council one of the most vibrant councils across IEEE. As we all know that the IEEE India Council (IC) works in total synchronism and harmony of actions and thoughts, I am confident that we will work even better during 2020. Some of the major achievements of 2019 are as follows:

  • Revision of IC Bylaws to make India Council more effective & efficient in functioning and visible at regional and global levels.

  • Closure of all IC Chapters

  • Creation of New Lifetime Achievement Awards to Section Chairs and IC Chairs

  • Formation of Core Committee to help the ExCom on various issues.

  • IEEE IC – Nokia Industry Visits on Experiential Learning

  • IEEE IC-Anritsu Hands-on Workshop

  • LM Track in All India Student-YP-WiE Congress

  • Regulation of IC e-Notice

  • Starting of India Council Sub-section Conference Series ( INDISCON)

serving as an IC Chair during 2019, I found that the IC has moved in the right direction without any differences. For the first time, India Council received R10 incentive money of USD 2000 after submitting a report of the activities to R10 by secretary Mr. Puneet K. Mishra. Further issues to be looked into are:

  • IC Newsletter: Its reach and regular broadcast should be increased.

  • IC Website: More information is to be posted for the benefit of the members.

  • IC Awards: A clear and transparent policy should be developed. Participation should be encouraged.

  • Organization of Leadership programs for women, conference organizers, students, YP can be made.

  • Availability of people in meetings.

  • Membership growth, retention and their elevation to higher grades should be increased.

I will try my best to meet the expectations of IEEE members in India and create a good image of IC at international forums. Let us all work together to have another great year of IEEE IC activities in 2020.

With warm greetings,

(Prof Sri Niwas Singh)


First of all, I would like to thank all the IEEE India members for showing the trust on me to serve as IEEE IC Chair for 2019. Their support and cooperation in making one of the vibrant council in IEEE are highly required and appreciable. As we all know that IEEE India Council (IC) works in total synchronism and harmony of actions and thoughts. I am fully confident that we will work even better manner during 2019.
I will try my best to meet the expectations of IEEE members in India. Being IC Chair-Elect during 2017-2018, I found that IC has moved rightly far ahead with leaving the differences. There are few concerns about the INDICON, AISWC which need to be streamlined. New Technically co-sponsored conference fee imposed by IEEE should be implemented without the hampering the number of events. Few more issues need to look into are
•  IC Newsletter: Its reach and regular broadcast should be increased.
•  IC Website: More information can be posted for benefit of the members.
•  IC Awards: A clear and transparent policy should be developed. Participation should be encouraged.
•  Organization of Leadership programs for women, conference organizers, students, YP can be made.
•  More attendance in WebEx and face-to-face meetings
•  Membership growth, retention and their elevation to higher grade should be increased.
•  Creation of Joint Secretary and inclusion of sub-sections chairs in IC ExCom can be explored.

Let us all work together to have another great year of IEEE activities in 2019.

With warm greetings,

(Prof Sri Niwas Singh)


At the outset, I express my sincere most thanks to IEEE fraternity to repose their faith in me to serve as IEEE IC Chair for another year in 2018. I would like to put on records my earnest appreciation of the help, support, and cooperation received by IEEE IC from all concerned in 2017.

In my last year’s message, I stated that IEEE IC is attracting the best people to serve on our various Committees and it is indeed the experience of 2017. IEEE IC worked in total synchronism and harmony of actions and thoughts. The team was having perfect team spirit and worked with admirable mutual understanding. I am fully confident that we will work exactly in the same manner during 2018.

In 2017, I mentioned that we will try to meet the expectations of IEEE members in India. Well, I will not make any comment but will leave it to the members at large to judge. However, I would like to mention here that IEEE IC has instituted a major award program in 2017, which was announced during Indicon 2017 in IIT Roorkee. The award program is named “Late Shri Pralhad P Chhabria Award” presented by Hope Foundation and Research Centre in association with IEEE India Council and Women in Engineering Affinity Group, IEEE Pune Section. The program will have two awards, viz. i) Best Outgoing Female Student (from the faculty of Science / Engineering / Technology) and ii) Best Women Engineer / Scientist / Technocrat (working Professional -Early Career Stage). The awards will be put in place in 2018. I request all concerned to have regular look at the award as well IC website for the updates on the awards. IC has initiated two awards in 2015 and in the year 2017 also these awards were given – One for IEEE India Council Outstanding Student Branch award and second for IEEE India Council Outstanding Volunteer award – during the AGM 2017.

I have earlier emphasized that the key goal of any organization, especially volunteer organizations, is to serve the members. The flagship Conference of IEEE IC ‘Indicon 2017’ has been successfully organized by UP Section in association with IIT Roorkee in Dec 2017. IEEE IC has come out with a new Logo for Indicon, which was put to use in Indicon 2017. AISYWC 2017 was held at IIIT Allahabad during 27th to 29th September 2017 with the theme ‘Imagine, Engineer, Enlighten, and Empower’. MV Chauhan Students’ Paper Contest was organized in Nov 2017 and two prizes were given, one each for UG and PG categories. IEEE WIE International Leadership Summit 2017 was held in Goa by Goa Engineering College with technical support by IEEE India Council along with IEEE Bombay section from 13th to 15th July 2017 with the theme ‘Disrupt – Breaking the Barriers of Thought’. India Council-Industry Relations Vice Chair has organized an outstanding webinar on ‘Business Opportunities from Subsystem Design to Satellite Building’ on 29th October 2017, which got huge success with more than 1500 registrations. An attractive and user-friendly new website has been made functional by IC Webmaster in 2017, for which he deserves a lot of thanks and appreciation. IEEE IC revived its Newsletter in the year 2017 and a very imaginative and well edited Newsletter has been brought out by the Newsletter Editor at the regular interval of three months, which is acknowledged as a yeomen’s service by IEEE IC. There were several other notable programs in 2017, e.g. IEEE Google Program at Nagpur, IEEE Google Training program at Google Bangalore, Students participation at ‘India Electronics Week 2017’ at Bangalore, IEEE WIE Workshop during TENSYSMP 2017 at Kochi, Electronics Makers 2017, to name a few.

As stated last year, IEEE IC will continue to serve as an effective coordinating body of IEEE activities in India. In fact, IEEE IC worked with total networking mode with all the IEEE Sections in India in 2017. I would like to thank three sections, viz. Kolkata, Kerala, and UP, who have extended wonderful support in organizing the Face-to-Face meetings of IEEE IC Execom. IEEE IC started Online meetings of its Execom in 2017 and there were five such meetings in 2017. I put on record our deep appreciation of the services rendered by the senior IEEE Volunteer from Bombay section, who has made such Online meetings a success. I am extremely happy to inform you that we had a very large number of participants in all the Online and F2F meetings.

In 2017 IEEE IC formed a WhatsApp group for all Student Branch Chairs across India with constant support and guidance regarding the functioning of SB, which is very helpful for networking and peer learning. Several Chapters of IEEE IC were also active in organizing meaningful programs in 2017, e.g. CAS, Photonics, PES, EDS and SSC Chapters. On behalf of IEEE IC, I express warm appreciation of their efforts. I am sure these chapters will continue their good work in 2018 as well. At the same time, I also call upon some other Chapters to become active and organize good programs in 2018.

All in all, we had a busy and productive 2017. Our activities have enhanced by 35% the branding of IEEE India Council through Social Media channels like Facebook, Twitter etc.

Let us all work together to have another great year of IEEE activities in 2018.

With warm greetings,

Professor. Sivaji Chakravorti, IEEE India Council Chair 2017 – 2018

Date: January 11, 2018


It is indeed my honour and privilege to serve as the Chair of IEEE India Council. I believe that the practical scale of measuring our strength is the degree to which we are forging a true partnership with IEEE volunteers.

The perspectives that I bring into this position reflect my experience working outside the traditional IEEE boundaries. In my various academic and administrative roles, I have always emphasized that the key goal of any organization, especially volunteer organizations, is to serve the people: the members, potential future members, and the non-members. We are here to serve them because IEEE will grow if and only if we meet their needs and provide an environment for them to grow both professionally and technically.

We remain in the forefront when we intentionally incorporate change into our thinking and planning, recognizing that the technical and scientific environments wherein we work continuously change with time. On the other hand, we are badly mistaken if we believe that past glory guarantees future success, and when we reject the ground reality of changing scenario and stick to past practices only.

IEEE India Council is a vibrant operational unit today thanks to the tireless efforts of my predecessors and peers. IEEE IC has served in the past and also will continue to serve as an effective coordinating body of IEEE activities in India.  We will certainly try to meet the expectations, with contributions from our members. Our flagship events are making a great impact and are prospering, our financial health is sound and, best of all, we are attracting the best people to serve on our various Committees.

Connecting people, providing an efficient platform, responding better and faster to the needs of IEEE volunteers, and expanding our horizons both in technologies and in service are all the tasks we are well equipped to achieve in 2017. IEEE India Council will act to be a strong connector between local activities and global achievements. I am proud to state that I have outstanding IEEE volunteers at IEEE India Council to work with to achieve our goals.

Let us rededicate ourselves to place IEEE at the forefront of Engineering, Technology and Computing. I invite you all to work with us for the growth and prosperity of IEEE in general and IEEE India Council in particular.

With warm greetings,

Sivaji Chakravorti
IEEE India Council Chair 2017
Date: February 28, 2017