Thank you!! Message from outgoing IC Office Bearers
Dear IEEE Member,
At the outset, all three of us wish to express our sincere thanks to the entire IEEE fraternity in India to give us a chance to work for the cause of IEEE during 2017-2018. It was a great honor bestowed on us and at the same time was a big responsibility to be shouldered by us. We tried our best within our capabilities. Whether we have been able to contribute something or not is to be decided by you and you only. Now we are passing the baton to the new IEEE IC committee and wish them the very best.
In the end of the tenure, it is always a major temptation to write about what has been done during the tenure. But we would not like to do the same, because if we have done something, it was always in a transparent manner and hence is already visible to IEEE membership and need not be reiterated.
From our side, we would like to state that during our tenure we have seen a highly vibrant IEEE India Council, in which all the IEEE Sections participated proactively, which is extremely praiseworthy. It created a harmonious and congenial ambiance, which made our working experience a transcendental one. We observed with profound happiness that all the programs of IC were well attended by members from all over the country.
We will be failing in our duties if we do not acknowledge the outstanding support extended by IEEE IC Executive Committee including the Past Chair, the Chair-Elect, and the Section Chairs. With the strongest support received from the IC Executive Committee, IEEE IC could start notable initiatives during these two years, out of which special mention should be made of the regular quarterly publication of IC newsletter and excellent outreach through enotices and website updation.
We would like to put on record our appreciation of the immense support received from IEEE India office and its leadership, without which many of our efforts would not have been successful.
In the end, we would like to affirm our strong support to the new IEEE IC Committee and appeal to you to extend the same help and support to the next IC committee as you have done during our tenure.
We wish you a successful and fulfilling new year.
With warmest fraternal greetings,
Sivaji Chakravorti, IEEE IC Chair 2017-2018
Preeti Bajaj, IEEE IC Secretary 2017-2018
S.M. Sameer, IEEE IC Treasurer 2017-2018